Sunday, July 28, 2013


Transportation are of different types which is easy source to transfer from one place to in the younger generation there is a lot of pressure for human beings to they have to travel from one place to another from transportation only  they can finish there available work.transportation is needed for children to older our daily life we travel from one place to another to finish our work.imagine if there is no transportation then what will be our condition.we human beings are totally dependent on transportation.there are different types of transportation facility like bus,train,ships,plains cars etc.From transportation facility only it help to increase the economic condition of our country.if there is no transportation facility there will be no any kind of work that will finish on time.different types of facility depend o the what kind of distance we need to travel.for longer distance we can choose airplanes and other facility. the transportation depend facility depend upon what kind of transportation we want.every day life the roads are not empty the roads are full with transportation and vehicle.if the transportation is closed for one day then there will be losses in many kind of work.


festivals is a celebration period of time.every country have own festivals to celebrate which come every year.festivals gives a rest period of every human beings is busy on there work so they don't have time for each other in other to spend time with each other festivals.the main festivals occur once in a year.every people like to celebrate there festivals.whenever a festivals comes they become happy because its time to take rest and enjoy there time with there friends and family.festivals a period where a holiday start and every people will be free from there work and studying.festivals is not only for people who work its for school children also.especially school children will be happy to celebrate festivals with there family.there are different kinds of festivals to celebrate like Christmas,dashain ,holi,new year etc.festivals can be celebarte its a time where a family  friends meet after a long period of time.every people will be happy to celebrate to festivals with there loved ones.


Bank is a financial institute and financial intermediary that accept deposit and channel those deposit into lending activity.Bank provide different kinds of facility like increase in interest rate loan and security deposit.banking business means the business of receiving money current deposit account and collecting provide different payment services and a bank account is consider indispensable by most business and lend money by making advances to customer on current account by installment loan. a bank can generate revenue in a variety of different ways of including interest transaction fees and financial advice's. profit from lending activity has been dependent on the needs strength of loan customer.however the higher credit risk thus increase the chance of default of loan.this helps to offset the losses from bad loan,lower the prices of loan to those.who have better credit provide the facility like debit card visa card ,SCT from different facility a proper security is being provided for customer for receiving a large amount of money.


Family is a first school to learn every thing.A society is made from depend upon the single and joint family.If a family have thought a children a proper lesson then child will be well manner and well behavior. The morals and values learns in family become our guidance force.every  family wants there children to be known for discipline and member is like heaven.every family member gives values and importance morals in is peace pros porous and love and care.we human being while we were born first we depend on our family member only.whenever there is enjoyable moment and or any kind of festival we celebrate with our family member means love care trust, being together,listening caring and space.a family is a place to go home,having some one to love having blessing is main important.having a long life commitment for living by a sense of trust and honor with other family member.when a person is tired they first  remember there home and family member they spend time with each other.


Movies is entertainment source of media.there are several types of movies people watch.after many years people understand the meaning the of camera and its being a fashion of watching movies in television hall.watching a movies in hall its a enjoyable moment.the choice of movies depend upon the different condition.there are several types of movies people watch we can categories then into there groups according to popularity comedy and action.the movie industry has become the largest industry with lots of employee the producers are started are able to earn a large amount money.but maximum people would rather to watch comedy movie.going to the cinema and watching movies in the evening have become usual events of weekend among the youngster.some movies gives as a lot of knowledge and its about the songs also.movies have played a essential role in recent year.some people believe the only movies can teach us something about real encourages people to do best whether it is good times or bad times.however it is an appropriate that movies are only ones worth watching.

college life

Many students enter college expecting good times, knowledge, friendships, and a new sense of direction. They soon find out that college comes with challenges and struggles because of the great demands and expectations that are put on the importance of education. College students experience a great deal of stress, especially when they are trying to balance a full time job, raise children, and have a social life. The demands of doing many different things with very little time can become overwhelming.starting a college life means learning a different thing its a ace where we can know the success and failure in student finds a little time to spend on extra curricular activity.many student have pressure on studying may have being facing a depression and other problem with studying.many student says that college life is only a enjoyment day in life.the student should not take a lot of pressure while life it depend upon the student how they are being able to study. 


mobile is an easy source of phone is a good technology.which is not lacking from our mobile phone have been popular to every day.the most advantage of having a mobile phone is talking with family, friends no matter where you are another is we can send a short message without and is a small which  can be easily carried in our pocket.Its not only for communication its also for different like listening music different application games.having a mobile in hand means solving different kind of problem in short can handle many problem.using and mobile phone we don't need any education and knowledge every information is provided only.there are many disadvantage also using and mobile can harm your brain particular under age and children.many children does not concentrate in studying using in mobile only.even mobile phone is not good for health and you have to protect yourself bad effect of mobile phones if you choose to have nowadays different features of mobile is available in market.from high range of cost to low range of phone is available according to age differentiation features of mobile we can use now.